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Sunfood Cuisine Potluck

Stuttgart, Tübingen & Schwäbische Alb

Potluckin' Fresh & Alive

Discover together, get to know, enjoy!

Join the raw vegan Potluck

Be love, spread love, share the love!

The next Potluck will be


10 euros per person will be charged.

Please contact

Join us! Eat tasty and delicious! Draw inspiration!

Get to know new people! Enjoy with all senses!

It's more than raw eating, it's a feeling, the feeling of love!

Don't miss the next Potluck!

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Sunfood Cuisine: Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Sunfood Cuisine: nice to meet you!

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Nice that you have announced yourselves just to the Potluck or could be put on the invitation list.

After your registration you receive a confirmation with further informations.

Then the next question is:

What should I bring to the Potluck?

Now you would like to take part in the next Potluck, but do not know, however, what you can bring or have to? It is all-important that exclusively raw and vegan is eaten. Other essence preparations are not permitted and are also not accepted.

All brought fruit, vegetables, salad, raw bread, dips, gourmet - raw vegan food preparations and other relevant ingredients must correspond to the criteria of raw vegan food,

i.e. all ingredients must own raw vegan food quality (biology /organic quality or raw vegan food quality with fresh ingredients; dry, dried and otherwise prepared warming to max. 40 degrees centigrade).

Additives like sugar, honey, agave nectar, yeast flakes and so on (not! raw vegan) are not permitted.

If in doubt please ask!

You look for more background information about the subject Potluck?

You don't know exactly how you can prepare a raw vegan food dish?

For everybody those the recipe ebook series

Share the Love - raw vegan Potluck

became created, side-wise information about the subject Potluck and each volume with 25 recipes, divides into hors-d'oeuvres, soups, salads, main courses and desserts. To prepare simply and fast, without need of the acquisition of additional kitchen utensils. With it you can start directly and be present, you are pretty welcome!

Already appeared:

Living food is the expression of the new millennium opened now!

Book series 1: Share the love - raw vegan Potluck:

Health and happiness, the raw revolution is taking over the world!

Share the love - raw vegan Potluck

Volume 1:

Background & bases

Tasty courts for beginners

Quick & easily prepares

Without additional kitchen utensils

 Fingerfood & Savouries

Vegetable kink with tomato – chilli dip, Courgette – little rollmop,

Filled romana tomatoes, Filled chicory ships


Vegetable soup, Cucumber soup, Fruity and spicy tomato soup

Paprika cream soup, Stone mushroom cream soup


Apple – carrots salad, Beetroot salad, Tomato salad, Salad hearts salad with cedar cores and pineapple

Fennel – arugula salad, Coriander – stinging nettle salad

Main courses

Iceberg packages, Asian noodles Hot'n Spicy, Pappardelle in saffron cream

Filled little ball courgette, Spicy chilli with courgette – celery rice

Cevapcici with coleslaw and spicy paprika salsa


Melon spits, Vitamin – berries – fruit salad, Mom’s vanilla pudding with raspberry cream

Strawberry – cherry cake with vanilla cream

--------------------------------------------------------------------Buy raw-delightful pleasure now----------------------------------------------------------------

Share the love - raw vegan Potluck

Volume 2:

Background & bases

More tasty courts for beginners

Quick & easily prepares

Without additional kitchen utensils

Under construction......

Share the love - raw vegan Potluck

Volume 3:

Background & bases

Further tasty courts for beginners

Quick & easily prepares

Without additional kitchen utensils

Under construction......


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